1) Why refer to Brit's boyfriend as "spicy-white"? Sam is Iranian-American, which, yes, is probably "white" on the census but, if you talk to any of the "invade them desert monkey terrorists" supporters out there in this country then Sam is likely too brown and his last name too "un-American" to be white. Why attach race anyway? Can't we leave it at "thick and spicy" and let Sam tell us how he identifies?
2) Brit told us to stop leveraging photos of her at her worst for media gain. So why choose to do that to promote this post?
Two notes here because I love you all:
1) Why refer to Brit's boyfriend as "spicy-white"? Sam is Iranian-American, which, yes, is probably "white" on the census but, if you talk to any of the "invade them desert monkey terrorists" supporters out there in this country then Sam is likely too brown and his last name too "un-American" to be white. Why attach race anyway? Can't we leave it at "thick and spicy" and let Sam tell us how he identifies?
2) Brit told us to stop leveraging photos of her at her worst for media gain. So why choose to do that to promote this post?
The Thots are some of my favorite theologians