Here’s the Best Way to Support Your Favorite Queer Podcast
Ladies & gentlethems,
The first episode of our next season drops any day now! Remember all those times we said, “We’ll put it in the show notes,” and then we never put it in the show notes? 😇😇😇😇Okay, well, we are finally actually doing it this time!!
You’re receiving this because we upgraded you from our former newsletter to an even juicier model. 💦 Don’t worry! You’re safe here! But we need a lil help to sustain and grow the podcast.
We’re gonna be very real with you: Last year we made $0 on the podcast. 💸 Food 4 Thot is a labor of queer love. We don’t do it to make a profit; we do it cuz we love each other and love you even more!
Food 4 Thot continues to be a queer/trans/Black/brown-owned and -operated business, and we get DMs and emails alllll the time asking how y’all can support us. Signing up for this Substack is the best way to do that! Don’t worry! There’s a free option! But please take the time to read our subscription tiers:
Queen Mother Thot *Upper class* thots, fall in on this highest tier! This annual rate goes a long way covering the cost of our time and resources making the pod. It also allows us to keep the letter free for our thots who don’t have the resources right now. 👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾 All Queen Mothers will get occasional XXXclusive content, first-dibs access to future events, and a discount code to our upcoming store!
Zaddy Thot At a monthly or annual rate, become a baseline patron of our work. You’re paying Black/brown/queer/trans creatives directly so that we can keep doing the thing we love. Thank you, sis! 💐 All Zaddies get a discount code to our upcoming store!
Baby Thot Look, *we* can’t even afford all our friends’ Substacks — no shame! If you don’t have expendable income right now, you can sign up for free and still get the letter each week.Why? Because we love you more than capitalism, that’s why. 💕 If you pick this tier, please post/tag our podcast/newsletter on your IG story when you feel compelled — word of mouth helps us so much!
Ready to sign up?
xx The Thots
What You Can Expect From This Newsletter
Think of it as the Director’s Cut of the episode! Each week will feature a piping hot take from one of our esteemed Thots followed by a roundup of alllll the things we talked about in the episode, and more — book recs, TV shows to watch, things we bought, mutual aid resources, people to follow. We’ll also feature a *bonus dessert* each week because we want you eatin good. 😋😋😋😋
Though Queen Mothers will get first access, you’ll also get links to our shows, new merch, and other treats too!
Queen Mother subscribers! What do you want to see? We want to treat our Mommies every now and then with a little exclusive letter just for you. Send us some requests! We’re thinking group chat content, behind-the-scenes moments, maybe nudes? Haha jkjkjkjk… unless?
Thot Merch Drop
Coming soon. 😈 Looking for more ways to support? Make sure you’re subscribed to this letter and you’ll be *the first* gworl to know.
Do Us a Flavor?
New reviews help grow our show in a big way. Give us five stars on iTunes with a glowing review to help us climb the pod algorithm. 📈 After that, show us some love on Twitter and Instagram.